
Business Loans

A business loan is an amount of money borrowed by a business for business purposes. Most business loans require a personal guaranty by the principal(s) and are repaid through regularly scheduled payments until repaid in full to the issuing bank.

Business loans obtained through Statzer Consulting are made by specific partner investor banks of our choice. We are partnered with a variety of lending institutions as an ISO (Independent Sales Organization) and will appropriately match your application and documents with the partner most applicable for your specific business profile and their criteria. Statzer Consulting processes all applications for credit, and manages the accounts on an ongoing basis, on behalf of and with direct oversight by the partner lending institution. In certain cases we will syndicate with the lending partner to increase loan amounts if needed. In these situations we are lending money and assets of Statzer Consulting to the borrower indirectly.

Pre-Qualification Disclaimer

Any pre-qualification by a consultant is a self-assessment to determine whether your business may be qualified for the loan application process and is not an application for, nor a guarantee of credit. A completed loan application must be provided for underwriting review before a loan decision can be made.

Contact Disclaimer

You expressly consent to be contacted by our company, or anyone calling on our behalf, for any and all purposes, at any telephone number you provide, including any wireless number.

What our clients are saying:

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